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How to apply for a Premises Licence

Venues providing certain activities are required to obtain a Premises Licence from their local council

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Premises intending to sell alcohol or provide “licensable activities” from a particular venue are required to obtain a Premises Licence from their local council.

Premises must have a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) when applying for a Premises Licence. The DPS must have a Personal Licence to authorise every sale of alcohol.

Why do I need a Premises Licence?

A Premises Licence is required if you plan to sell alcohol or provide “licensable activities”, which include:

  • Selling alcohol

  • Serving hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am

A Premises Licence will also be required to the following types of entertainment will be provided:

  • Theatrical performance
  • Showing a film
  • Indoor sporting event
  • Boxing or wrestling (indoor or outdoor)
  • Live music
  • Recorded music
  • Dance
  • Facilities for making music
  • Dancing facilities

A Premises Licence is still required even if these activities are for charity.

You DON’T need a licence for some types of entertainment


  • Educational or promotional films
  • Films shown as part of an exhibition in a museum or gallery
  • Incidental music (live or recorded)

How do I get a Premises Licence?

You will need to apply for a Premises Licence from your local council – that is the one where the premises are based. You will need to do the following:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Be or appoint a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS), who must have a Personal Licence. We offer the Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders qualification.
  • Provide the council with your details
  • Provide the council with details of your DPS
  • Provide a detailed plan of the premises
  • Provide an operating schedule, such as the hours when alcohol will be sold
  • Follow any other conditions added to your Premises Licence, such as having an age-checking policy if you sell alcohol
  • Display your ‘application notice’ at or on the premises for 28 days from the day after it was submitted.
  • Pay the local council application fee. This is based on the rateable value of the property. Application fees range from £100 to £1,905, depending on the fee band of your venue. If your premises doesn’t have a rateable value, it will fall into the lowest fee band.
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Working in catering?

The Digital College has a selection of other qualifications that may be beneficial if you work in catering

Level 2 Award: Food safety and Hygiene

A Level 2 qualification awarded by Highfield Qualifications

A level 2 qualification is required for anyone working with food on a regular basis, including cafes and restaurants.

View Course

Level 3 Award: Food safety and Hygiene

A Level 3 qualification awarded by Highfield Qualifications

If you are supervising others in food preparation then you are required to have a Level 3 qualification in food safety. This qualification explains your role and responsibilities when managing teams of people working with food.

View Course
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Personal Licence Holder

Get your your Personal Licence Holder Award (APLH) the easy way. Train online in your spare time.

  • Narrated online video content
  • Activities and progress tests
  • Mock exam with realistic practice questions
  • Easy to use online exams
  • Official Highfield Qualification
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